Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Medicare to pay for $93,000 prostate cancer drug - Yahoo! Finance

This is so wrong when health care for the poor and children is being decimated.
A US sedentary lifestyle has more to do with prostrate disease than anything else.
Look at the active men versus the couch potatoes and desk jockeys and then look around the world.(
4) months extra surreal and not to good of a life for $372,000.
How many children could that insure?

Medicare to pay for $93,000 prostate cancer drug - Yahoo! Finance

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

100 years after Triangle fire, horror resonates - Earthlink - Main News

100 Years After Triangle Fire, Horror Resonates
NEW YORK (AP) — It was a warm spring Saturday when dozens of immigrant girls and women leapt to their deaths — some with their clothes on fire, some holding hands — as horrified onlookers watched the Triangle Shirtwaist factory burn.

Just a reminder to the plight of immigrants and labor in general. A story that needs to be told in these days of government intervention in labor rights.

100 years after Triangle fire, horror resonates - Earthlink - Main News

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Common Sense

Common sense, it is said we either have it or don't, and I disagree with that, I think we all are born with it. What is common sense, but natural instinct, survival, or adapting?
As I have traveled the world and watched fear about so many things increase in the peoples, the mass use of entertainment and sports, media, electronic gadgetry, dumb downed education, the exploding growth of fast food, and other "time saving" schemes, I have also seen this natural instinct or survival of the species grow dormant.
I sincerely believe that and have seen common sense grow when those who work for and with me put in 80+ hours a week and find less time to watch TV, etc. The thinking processes start coming back and they become more inquisitive, even though they may be physically tired. Their brains are getting a break from meaningless bombardment and have to actually work.
It is amazing as I watch them become more productive mentally without "entertainment".

Monday, March 14, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011