Friday, January 20, 2012

Tender Photos Unearthed from a Turbulent Time | Love + Sex - Yahoo! Shine

When Mildred and Richard Loving married in Washington, D.C. in 1958, they didn't think they were breaking the law. Both were from the small town of Central Point, Virginia. Mildred was of African-American and Native American decent and Richard was white. They did know it was illegal for them to marry in their state-as well as 15 others--which is why they left to tie the knot. Within a month of returning home, police burst into their bedroom in the middle of the night and arrested them under the state's anti-miscegenation law. They were sentenced to a one-year in prison term that could be suspended if they left Virginia.

Tender Photos Unearthed from a Turbulent Time | Love + Sex - Yahoo! Shine

Monday, January 2, 2012

Cuba Santeria priests reject doomsday prediction - Yahoo! News

Cuba's Santeria priests say that "what needs to die is not the world itself, but rather the ways in which the world has lived until now: confrontations, wars, misery and discrimination," said Lazaro Cuesta, one of the island's leading Santeria priests, or babalawo. "For us, an old world must end so that a new world is born .... It is not a physical end."

As I age, study, and observe, I see christians rapidly falling away from the teachings of the Bible (Both Old Testament and New).
Love thy neighbor, do unto others as you would yourself, put no other God before me, being a good steward, do not judge, forgiving ALL debts every seven years, Log Cabin Republicans, and so on are teachings that are no longer followed by the new christians of the world.
Hate, lies, greed, and coveting are rife today.
Spirituality should be practiced as KISS.

More people are killed or destroyed in the name of religion today than ever before and even more than the Crusades and Inquisition, both rabid religious based undertakings. I find that there is good in all teachings and yes, some bad, but we need to know about these other beliefs and draw the wisdom from all of them.

Maybe these Santeria priests are right, maybe the Mayans are right, but I hope to see the death of unsound spiritual practices and not the earth as we know it.

Be good stewards of the earth and its resources, respect thy neighbor, and help those who have less than you do.
Happy New Year to all who read this and may it be filled with understanding, comfort, joy, and earned prosperity.

Cuba Santeria priests reject doomsday prediction - Yahoo! News